Day 1

("aahh fuck yeah..... shit! when did you get here!?")

*Please hold, we're having some technical difficulties*

("ahem... hello I'm the author")

"the fuck is he talking to?" said a purple fireball

"Why would I know?"said a red haired monkey

("How did you get here?")

""don't know, don't care"" said the two idiots

""what did you just call us!?""

("alright shoo")


("anyways I apologize for the previous chapters being shorter than your stepdad's dick")

*back to our scheduled program*


'where the fuck am I' thought a white haired teen surrounded by fast moving clouds

" moving clouds?"




we arrive to a red Monkey eating peanuts while scratching his ass

"Idiot should be falling at 1,785 feet right now..."

'eh, he'll be fine'





"HOW DID I NOT FUCKING DIE" a white haired teen screams while falling out of a tree

"well it seems like I am in a forest.....hmmmmmmmmmm so anywhere but circhester and the capital"

"oh right! Inventory"

a blue screen popped up



Pokemon egg coupon

Pokemon egg coupon

beginner pack

x5 xs exp candy (Pokemon only)

survival knife (kitchen knife)

Camping equipment

bag of soft sand





" Imma use the beginner pack first"


*beginner pack opened*

*loot acquired*

x10 potion

x5 moomoo milk

x20 PokeBall

x5 oran berry

x5 leppa berry

x2 kelpsy berry

x2 lapapa berry

x4 stat gain enhancer (Pokemon Only)

training equipment (Pokemon and human)


"not bad, next the eggs"


*egg coupon used*

*pick egg-("__________")


"I'll pick my favorite shark boi"


*egg selected*




"where did it go?"

'oh wait'












"now for the next one"


*egg coupon used*

*pick egg-("_________")


*egg selected*




Now for our journey to start!

the white haired teen started walking through the forest mindlessly, not knowing which way to go while listening to the wildlife go through it's normal routine.

while walking he started to hear muffled voices, the more he ventured the louder it became.

"Just hold the camera still dumbass!" said a blonde bimbo

"I'm trying but this thing weights more than your mother" said what looks like a 'actually' kid and a neck beard 'yare yare daze' guy had a baby and he's that baby

" just because she eats everything she bakes doesn't mean she's fat!"

"she has diabetes!"

'what the fuck is going on' thought a confused snow white

"ugh... the reason why we're here for a report is because an hour ago a man was spotted falling from the sky into the forest"

'oh they're talking about me'

"Oh finally a real story"

"he's probably dead Ron"

"oh yeah" said Ron

' anyways I'm going to shimmy my way outta here'



"who's there!?"

"relax Wendy it's probably just a Meowth"


"I promise it's nothing"


'is this plot armor?'


'what is making that noise!?'

*crack* *crack*

'shit' thought the white haired teen as an egg popped into his arms


a blinding light engulfs him and the reporters



("thank you everyone for reading this so far and it's been fun so far and I will write more but I want your help to enhance the story so please feel free to criticize my work, I hope you lovely people have a nice day, buh-bye!")