Chapter 6: Graduation Sparring Exam

Year 21 A.5V (After the establishment of the 5 great shinobi villages).

A year had passed and Rasa decided not to start another year at the academy.

So he decided to take the graduation exam in advance in which one had to last 3 minutes in front of a Chunnin in order to pass.

Today Karura had gone to pick Rasa up early, as usual, to make him breakfast and then go with him to the academy to watch his graduation sparring exam.

When the two arrived at the academy, they quickly made their way to the training ground where Rasa would face the Chunnin.

When they arrived, the two were surprised at how many people were there.

"Wow, Rasa, you seem to have a lot of fans," Kurara said.

"Don't think they're all fans, I'm sure many just want to see me lose," Rasa said calmly as he approached the training ground.

"Oh come on Rasa, you know most people in the village want you to win, you are the genius of our sand village," said Karura with pride and a cute smile.

"Karura is right Rasa, everyone supports you" a female voice from nowhere was suddenly heard speak.

"Pakura, I already told you that you should say hello before starting a conversation, you always do the same thing," Karura said to her.

"Okey, okay, sorry, but I arrived right when you were talking and I forgot," Pakura said with a smile and sticking out her tongue.

Now the relationship between the three of them (Rasa-Karura-Pakura) became very close and they are getting on well together.

Although Pakura never challenged Rasa to a fight during this time, she always went to chat with them or discuss about something, and eventually, he became part of Rasa and Karura's group.

Obviously, Pakura was no idiot despite being the youngest of the three, she had begun to realize from just watching Rasa train or spar with some of the older kids, that she was still far from their level, and for this reason, she decided to postpone her challenge and get stronger before facing him.

She always told them that she would make sure to catch up with him so that one day she would defeat him.

After talking with both of them for a while, it was finally time for Rasa's confrontation.

Rasa stepped onto the platform where his graduation bout would take place.

The Sunagakure Ninja School didn't have many fighting platforms, the few they had were made by the Second Kazekage who was the founder of the school.

But then all the funds and investments of the village were used for the research part.

The Second Kazekage himself had retired from his post to join the research area of the village, leaving his post to the Third Kazekage who like the Second Kazekage was also more interested in research and therefore used to spend his time on improving his magnet element.

And as the village superiors are fanatic about research, they put everything else in second place and that is why the school is now not in the best conditions, but at least it still has what it takes to train young ninjas.

But unlike in other villages, in Sunugakure only a privileged few have the opportunity to go to school and be taught properly.

Due to the lack of resources, they can't afford to train as many ninjas as other villages, that's why they usually make a careful selection of those who will be part of the ninja academy.

"Alright, today Rasa will face a Sunagakure Chunnin for three minutes, if he manages to stay on his feet during this time, he will be given an advanced graduation and become a Sunagakure Genin. Is this correct?" said and asked the judge of the match to Rasa.

Rasa just nodded and the judge continued speaking.

"Well, if you want to become a desert ninja, you must show your determination and your strengths young man. Now, let the fight begin" finished the judge giving the signal for the fight to begin.

The arrogant Chunnin waited for Rasa to make the first move.

Well, maybe he just wants to give me the benefit of landing the first blow, too bad he'll regret it for life' thought Rasa with a smile as he formed the hand seals for his Jutsu.

"Gold Dust Burial Prison," said Rasa quickly causing a large hole to form underneath the Chunnin made of golden dust.

The instant this happened, the Chunnin reacted quickly and tried to escape, but the same golden dust did not let him out of the hole and began to bury him inside quickly.

The Chunnin desperately began to perform ninjutsu in the hope of escaping, but in just a few moments Rasa had already managed to bury the ninja completely under his golden dust.

After a minute and Rasa made the golden dust disappear, bringing back the Chunnin who had gone down.

The Chunnin was lying on the floor of the fighting platform and appeared to be unconscious or dead perhaps.

"This..." it took the judge a few seconds to react to what had happened so suddenly and so did the audience.

When he recovered himself and saw the result he quickly approached the Chunnin and checked the Chunnin's health, the judge sighed in relief to see that he was only unconscious and not dead.

For the sand village, all ninjas were important and indispensable, as they did not have the luxury of having many at the Chunnin level like other villages.

"Rasa defeats the Chunnin of Sunugakure and wins the match, earning his graduation from the academy and officially becoming Genin," said the judge quickly after checking the Chunin's status.

This caused more than one in the audience to wake up from their shock.

The campus was quickly filled with applause and cheers.

Many commented on how incredible Rasa's victory was and the fact that he was only a nine-year-old boy who could already defeat a Chunnin.

All of this was something that had never happened in Sunugakure, so Rasa was quite a revelation with this overwhelming victory.

Rasa thanked the judge and took the Sunugakure forehead protector that he was awarded as the Genin of the village and left the campus along with Pakura and Karura who were apparently not happy with what he did.

"You..., you big idiot, why did you use that technique? you know it consumes almost all of your chakra, what would you have done if the Chunnin managed to escape?" complained Pakura looking at him with annoyance clear in his eyes.

And even though Karura didn't say anything, it was clear from the look in her eyes that she felt the same way Pakura did.

That's right, Pakura was telling the truth.

To defeat that Chunnin ninja in such an arrogant and imposing manner, Rasa had used almost all of his chakra reserves in that one move.

This is because summoning his gold dust in large quantities as he did to plunge him into unconsciousness required almost completely emptying his chakra.

And both Karura and Pakura knew Rasa's golden dust quite well since they both used to watch him train with it and it was for this very reason that they both did not react very well to him doing something so risky in the fight that defined their graduation.

But Rasa had to do it, it was all part of his plan, he wanted to surprise everyone in the village by defeating a Chunnin with ease, to the point where it looked like he didn't even put the slightest bit of effort into the fight.

This was obviously what he wanted everyone in the village to see so that he could make an even bigger name for himself in the village and get approval to take the Chunnin exam as soon as possible, as well as more benefits for training.

"Well, I couldn't waste the situation, he let me attack first and I humbly took the opportunity with everything I had, why wait 3 minutes if I could win in 1" Rasa replied with a smile even though he was quite tired due to the excessive use of chakra.

The two were not convinced by his explanation but grudgingly accepted it as he managed to win in the end.

Rasa also knew that another reason they were unhappy was because from now on he would no longer be going to the academy with them.

And he would now begin his ninja path, while they were still at the academy.

But he also knew that they both knew the level of strength he had better than anyone else and so they could only accept his leaving the academy.