Chapter 18: Peppers Bomb

Finally, Custus and Rasa went ahead and set the explosives around the Base, while Nomad waited for the moment to act.

In the dark night, the images of Rasa and Custus are just shadows in the darkness of the night moving around the Base.

Of course, no matter what kind of analysis Rasa did and how much preparation he had, the three were still a bit nervous since it was their first official mission on Anbu and after all, they didn't want to start with a failed mission.

Today would also be Rasa's first kill, which added to his nerves, the rest of the team being older than him had already been through their first kill, but he hadn't and as much as he had gotten used to this ninja world, he was still a little nervous about the idea of killing for the first time.

There were only a few moments left until the time given by the captain.

After a few minutes, Rasa looked at the sky and together with Custus began to act.

At this time, it is late at night, around four in the morning, when people are more sleepy and it is the best time to start an attack, that's why Captain Canteen chose this specific time.

Rasa and Custus began to quickly make hand seals.

"Final Detonation of Peppers Bomb," they both said in unison.



Dozens of Explosive Tags placed in different sectors of the Base went up in flames.

A huge explosion sounded in the sky.

And that was the signal for Nomad to act.



Moments after the explosion, loud screams could be heard from people in various sectors of the Base.

Many bandits rushed towards the various places where the explosions occurred.

There is a kind of madness in their eyes.

With an explosion on such a large scale, all the civilians in the Base should have been swallowed by the flames, as well as a good number of bandits.

Custus and Rasa, who had detonated the explosives, paused to watch the large explosion in the Base for a few seconds, then looked at each other and nodded suddenly to each other, and then split up and start running around the Base looking for possible survivors that they would have to eliminate.

On the other hand, Nomad suddenly appeared at the front of the Base.

"Hahaha! Finally, it's my turn to have some fun," Nomad said with amusement as he saw a large number of bandits running around the base and others approaching him.

"The enemy is attacking, there are enemies!" suddenly, a great alarm sounded in the Base.

The whole Base seemed to have suffered from the explosion, now lying in ruins.

"Wind Release: Sandstorm Jutsu!" said Nomad as he made seals with his hand.

Instantly a large gust of wind was created to which sand from the surrounding area adhered.

This gust of wind and sand began to spread throughout the base hitting the buildings and all the bandits running around the Base.

The force of this gust was such that it began to destroy the surface of the structures as well as obstructing the movement of the bandits who began to lose their balance and in some cases could not even see due to the deposit of sand in their eyes left by the gust.

Nomad didn't stop with that A-ranked ninjutsu, that was just the beginning.

"Wind Release: Beastly Wind Sand Palm Jutsu" sealed Nomad again thus creating a demonic claw made of wind and sand from the surrounding area that he began to use to attack, grab and kill several of the bandits.

"Aha!" they began to be heard screaming from the bandits.

Back at the Base, several Bandits began to run to the sectors where the explosions occurred.

Unfortunately, many of these were hit first by a blast of sand and then by a giant claw that began to impact them.

Many screamed in pain and others died instantly.

Those who were still alive stopped running and looked with hatred at the turbaned intruder who caused the deaths of their companions and friends.

And everyone quickly prepared for a confrontation.

"Wind Release: Wind Spiral Jutsu."

"Earth Style: Shifting Sands Jutsu."

"Earth Style: Rock Fist Jutsu."

Several Bandits start attacking Nomad in anger, while he just dodged, defended, and attacked while laughing all the time like a maniac.

While in another sector of the Base, Rasa was scouring every corner of the place looking for civilian survivors who could escape.

But all he found were Bandits rushing from one place to another, some of them running to where Nomad was supposed to be, others to the burning sectors and some were helping their buddies wounded by the explosions.

After checking one last time and seeing that all remaining survivors were Bandits, Rasa prepared to start killing them.

"Gold Dust Shower Barrage," said Rasa quickly.

Then, several projectiles made of gold dust were launched from his direction into the dark night at the throats of several Bandits.

Blood spurted from them and a faint smell of blood hung in the air.

Rasa already knew from the conversations he overheard among the Bandits that they were doing no wrong, just looting various wealthy merchants and then even splitting a portion of the loot with the neighboring village in exchange for their silence.

They were in fact just a group of Bandits posing as the Robin Hood of this place.

If Rasa had been in a previous life watching this from a safe place, he would surely support the actions of these bandits just as many did when they saw Robin Hood in the movies, they were like the Hero.

But he was no longer in his other life, and in the ninja world, if you want to protect yourself and protect your important people, you must have power and you must kill to survive.

So, as he was determined to become a powerful ninja, Rasa said to himself:

{Killing is as common as eating here and I must be aware of that}

{Missions like these are what I must experience to grow and adapt once and for all to this world}.

That's because Rasa knew that there is no peaceful and stable place in Ninja World.

His comfortable life on Earth ended since he became Rasa.

But, even though he had already mentally prepared himself for killing, the feeling of his first kill crept across his skin just now.

'Looks like it's not going to be as easy as I thought getting used to doing this' Rasa thought a little dazed as he watched the Bandits he had eliminated bleed out.

He began to feel a sudden sensation that made him feel very uncomfortable.

The Bandits had failed to react in time to escape Rasa's surprise attack and died helplessly.

'I killed someone, I killed a group of people who couldn't even be considered really bad' Rasa thought again as his heart started beating fast.

When Rasa along with Custus had blown up the peppers bomb killing countless civilians, he hadn't felt this way.

But now that Rasa was seeing with his own eyes the people he killed he couldn't help but feel his stomach contracting.

His mood was not the best, he was on a mission, but now he was feeling anxious and restless, and it was very upsetting for him to know that he was getting distracted by these things.

'Damn it, alright Rasa, let's first concentrate on completing the mission, then I can blubber all I want' Rasa said to himself.

A little calmer, Rasa contained his thoughts and made up his mind.

Then he went on to eliminate the rest of the Bandits he encountered and then went to help Nomad who should be at the entrance of the Base as a distraction.