Chapter 21: Where is Nomad?

"Gold Dust Desert Hand," said Rasa creating hands made of gold dust that chased Shinto to grab or crush him.

Shinto quickly dodged all the attacks from the hands and then seal.

"Earth Style: Powerful Earth Dragon Jutsu," said Shinto and formed from his hands a big dragon made of earth that crashed against the gold dust hands, then this dragon rushed towards Rasa who easily dodged it.

The dragon did not hold out much longer and collapsed after impacting where Rasa had been.

But at least Shinto had stopped being defensive.

"Wind Release: Compressed Air Blast Jutsu" Shinto wasted no time and inhaled a large amount of air which he then fired at great power at Rasa.

Rasa quickly took out a scroll and summoned more gold dust, then joined it with the sand in the area and using a large amount of chakra said:

"Gold Dust Storm Devastation".

Instantly an immense amount of gold dust and sand rose up over Shinto swallowing him completely.

But to be sure Rasa decided to finish Shinto off once and for all, his chakra was already too low.

He had to end this now.

"Gold Dust Burial" Rasa reached out his hand and used the gold dust where Shinto was buried to enclose him inside a dome that looked like pure gold, then he closed his hand and crushed Shinto who was inside the dome.

When he dropped the gold dust again, the only thing that could be seen left from Shinto was a large amount of blood sliding down the gold dust and sand.

Rasa again felt a little strange killing someone, but at least now he seemed calmer and more confident, no longer so dazed after killing.

Seeing that his job was done Rasa went to help Custus, despite his chakra being almost drained he could still help with some or another thing.

"Wind Release: Jutsu Infernal Birds of the Desert" Custus launched with his giant fan several birds formed of wind that attacked Caratsu the bandit he was facing.

Caratsu quickly dodged all the birds without even being touched by one, it was clear that he had the advantage in this fight because of the state Custus was in and the state he was in.

Custus was barely standing, with several cuts and wounds on his body, while Caratsu had only scratches on his body.

"Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullets Jutsu" the bandit immediately sealed and launched a large amount of bullets at Custus, she was exhausted but despite that she dodged Caratsu's attack.

And the bullets she couldn't dodge were destroyed with her fan.

"Earth Style: Earth Punch Jutsu" Caratsu didn't give Custus time to rest, as he quickly covered his hand with earth and launched himself into the attack.

Custus dodged blow after blow, but finally, Caratsu managed to hit her and forcefully throw her backward.

She quickly stood up and looked at him with defiant eyes.

Caratsu didn't bother to say anything and jumped back at her to hit her again.

"Wind Gold Dust Bullet Jutsu" Rasa was heard to say just as the bandit's blow was about to hit Custus' stomach.

A large amount of gold dust bullets pushed by the wind were directed to where Caratsu was.

Caratsu had no choice but to back up and dodge, unable to hit Custus again.

"Custus, are you okay, can it still go on?" asked Rasa to Custus suddenly appearing at her side.

"I'm fine Gold, I'm not giving up yet, all in all... but... your opponent?" asked Custus with confusion.

"I already handled him, I came to give you a hand, even though I don't have much chakra left."

"You... really?... you defeated him?" asked Custus completely shocked, she didn't expect that.

"That's right, I have some good tricks you know," Rasa told him with amusement as he moved the gold dust around him.

"That' way, gold dust, do you even have the Kekkei Genkai of the third Kazekage and his apprentice?" started asking question after question to Custus as if she no longer cared about her injuries or exhaustion.

"Well, unless it occurs to you that it could be something else..." said Rasa jokingly.

"Gold that's amazing, no wonder you defeated your opponent," said Custus euphorically.

"I see, so you defeated Shinto, it's no surprise you did, that strange sand you use seems very troublesome" commented Caratsu who had managed to dodge all the gold dust bullets.

"You're not angry about the death of your partner?" Rasa looked at the bandit and asked him calmly trying to provoke him, it was always easier to deal with an angry enemy than a calm one.

"Anger or rage are annoying, I prefer to control my emotions to survive, besides why get angry when I can make you feel much more pain than he felt when he died/, I'm going to enjoy this," said Caratsu and quickly started a fight with Rasa and Custus.

The difference was clear, Custus was already tired and wounded, Rasa had very few Chakras to fight with, on the other hand, Caratsu could keep fighting without problems, so despite being two against one, the odds were not in favor of the two of them and the bandit knew it.

"Wind Release: Wind Blast Jutsu" launched Custus.

Caratsu dodged the attack in an instant.

But then it was Rasa's turn.

"Gold Dust Burial" Rasa gathered his sand dust and tried to grab Caratsu at the place where he was about to land after dodging Custus' attack.

"Earth Style: Rock Kick Jutsu" the bandit moved quickly, and before Rasa or Custus could react, he stamped and then kicked Rasa into the air.

"Rasa!" shouted Custus and moved to his side.

"Yeah, my taijutsu definitely needs to improve" complained Rasa as he got up without a problem after the hard kick from the punch.

"You, are you okay?" asked Custus worriedly.

"No problem, he still has a long way to go to knock me down," said Rasa amused as if the blow had done nothing to him.

"You...what the hell is that?" said Caratsu completely stunned as he saw how the left side of Rasa's belly where he had hit him seemed to be giving off gold dust instead of blood.

Once the gold dust left the sector of Rasa's belly, it could be seen how there was no wound in that sector, it was as if Caratsu's heavy blow had done nothing more than tear his clothes.

"Oh... this, well just another little trick of mine" Rasa joked, but he wasn't so calm anymore,

Not only was he exhausted and almost out of Chakra, but now the bandit in front of him had completely broken his Gold Dust Armor that he used to always wear to cover his body.

Yes, he stole that ability from Gaara as well.

Custus looked at him quizzically for a few seconds but then turned his focus back to Caratsu.

"Damn, where is that idiot Nomad, he should have finished off his opponent by now" complained Custus.

"Wow, you really thought Domaru was an easy opponent, he's the strongest of the three of us, he may have lost his patience and stupidly rushed to attack you three with Kunai, but he's still very strong, he just needs to be smarter," said Caratsu.

And both Rasa and Custus thought that everything the bandit said could apply equally to Nomad.

"Let's not think about that Custus, for now, let's focus on how to stop this guy" Rasa told him.

Custus just nodded.

Then the three continued to fight for a while, with Caratsu always having the upper hand.

Nomad was frustrated, he had been fighting more than he expected with the bandit named Domaru.

'That damn desert rat knew too many defensive Jutsu, if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have taken so long to eliminate him, and to top it all off when I was about to eliminate him those two junior Chunin had to show up and try to save him' Nomad said irritated to himself.

Nomad at first was very excited to fight the Elite Chunin named Domaru.

But the bandit only focused on defending himself and Nomad spent the whole fight attacking while the miserable bandit just hid behind defensive jutsus.

It didn't even make him feel a little bit excited and to make matters worse when he finally had a chance to eliminate the bandit and end their boring fight, two junior Chunin arrived and prevented him from killing Domura.

After that, he had to deal not only with the annoying defense of the bandit named Domura but also with two junior Chunin who despite being just rats to him, combined with Domaru's defense were very annoying and scurrying rats.

But once he finally eliminated Domura the other two junior Chunin were easy to eliminate.

'Tch, rats, they weren't even good for entertainment, they just wasted my time. Those other two better not be dead yet or my first mission as Anbu will be a disaster for my record' Nomad thought angrily as he ran in the direction of where he assumed Gold and Custus were fighting.