You! Meeting In A Strange Land

He was still staring at the scene when his eyes widened. He looked at the woman with silver hair climbing on the stage and then taking a small packet of food with a grateful smile on her face.

He was shocked and stood still. He blinked his eyes as if he was watching a dream but he could still see her walking down the stage with that same smile, helping others in taking their share.

Everyone talked to her freely with a smile as if they knew her for a long time.

Could it be just a coincidence? Too bad! He did not believe in one.

He pressed the bell that was assigned in each room to call for help. He was pressing it so hard as if it was his mortal enemy and he was trying to strangle it.

He did not notice when the door was knocked and opened later until he felt the presence of someone in the room. Only then did he let the bell go.