Love the People Like Own Children

After Bai Wutong and the others built the shed for the night, Cui Shize finally reached the shore in the last wave.

Cui Lingyi waited anxiously on the shore. When she saw that Cui Shize had finally safely reached the shore, she realized that she was drenched in cold sweat.

The father and daughter had not seen each other for several years and were almost separated by life and death. Cui Lingyi looked at her father who had aged more than 10 years and tears welled up in her red eyes.

Cui Shize's eyes were also misty. "Why is Xiaoxiao here?"

Cui Lingyi choked and complained, "If I don't come, who will! Do you know how dangerous it was just now!"

Cui Shize only had one daughter. He did not hesitate to fall out with the emperor for her sake. How could he feel good when he saw her sad? Even though he was scolded by her in front of his disciples, he still smiled ingratiatingly. "Xiaoxiao, don't be angry. Daddy knows his mistake."