Human Tracker

It was not easy to even have a bite to eat on the way to escape. Cui Lingyi's team only had this bit of food in total, and almost all of it was given to them.

No matter how they refused, Cui Muzhi refused.

It would be so disappointing if she insisted on not accepting his sincerity and eat.

Everyone in the team looked at Bai Wutong, who was holding a bowl. Bai Wutong met Cui Muzhi's sparkling eyes and sighed. "Then what are you going to eat?"

Cui Muzhi smiled brightly and said, "Let's go pick some wild vegetables again. I saw a pond in front just now. Later, I'll bring someone to catch a few big fish for Madam Bai to eat."

Bai Wutong had also seen the pond just now. It was clearly a pool of stagnant water. It was impossible for there to be fish.

Moreover, it was getting dark. If they searched for wild vegetables in the dark, how many would they be able to find?