This Is My Medicine

Bai Wutong's words made Cui Muzhi take a step back in shock. He hurriedly said, "Then all the more I can't let you come over. There are too many people infected among us and it might have spread even more now. Wouldn't you be infected immediately if you came over? If Madam Bai wants to help us, please help me find a doctor with brilliant medical skills." The Cui family of Qinghe could not do anything immoral. Moreover, Bai Wutong had already helped them several times, so they could not let them be in danger.

Moreover, the plague was not something that Bai Wutong could treat.

If his cousin and the others knew that it might be a plague, they would definitely agree with his actions.

Bai Wutong did not have to go over. After all, she was not a professional doctor. She could only judge based on the anti-epidemic information on the computer in her space.