Advance and Retreat Together With Madam

Bai Wutong's eyes widened.

Was such an awesome existence possible?

She had wanted to use the Power Bomb just now. But if it had exploded on themselves…

"Everyone, get out of the way!" Bai Wutong came back to her senses and shouted anxiously.

How could an ordinary person's speed compare to the speed of gravity?

The explosive packet was about to land above their heads.


At the critical moment, a powerful and violent wave of air rose, and the explosives in the air suddenly flew back towards the suicide soldiers.

Bai Wutong looked over in shock and saw Chu Tianbao emitting an invincible aura. He protected Stinky who had opened his eyes wide in his arms. With the other hand, he aimed at the sky and used his internal energy to resist Duke Ping's suicide soldiers.

Leng Ye did not expect a powerful expert like Chu Tianbao to exist. He was caught off guard and could not stop the explosive packet from flying back.