Not Small at All

After calming down, Bai Wutong turned around and stole a glance at Chu Tianbao, who looked uncomfortable.

She subconsciously looked down and immediately felt her scalp tingle.

It really didn't seem right to leave it alone.

Bai Wutong looked at it and felt like it was about to explode.

What should she do?

"Wife, it's so hot…" Chu Tianbao moaned in discomfort and tossed around in the small bed.

Just as he was about to fall off the bed, Bai Wutong grabbed his arm.

Chu Tianbao felt a chill and suddenly grabbed her waist. "Wife, it's so hot…"

He found it hot, yet he grabbed her so tightly.

Bai Wutong rolled her eyes in her heart and wanted to force open his not well-behaved mind.

In the end, she could not stop his moving hands.