It's None of Your Business

Qingfeng ignored him and said, "Since the prescription has been delivered, we'll leave first."

Gu Zhongxun took a few steps forward and hurriedly said, "Can I meet Senior and discuss the prescription with him or her?"

Qingfeng said bluntly, "No need."

Gu Zhongxun still wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by Magistrate Shi impatiently. "Is this prescription effective or not? Say something!"

In the blink of an eye, Qingfeng and Lin Yue had already disappeared from the courtyard.

Gu Zhongxun retracted his gaze in disappointment and said to Magistrate Shi, who was about to grab his collar again, "The prescription is very similar to mine, but the proportion control is better than mine. It should be able to treat the plague. We still have to observe how effective it is."