You Brought This On Yourself

Bai Wutong and the others had already plowed more than ten acres of land. They had also dug out a lot of wood and piled it at the side for future use.

Bai Wutong touched the soil in the newly dug out wasteland.

Suddenly, a ghostly cry came from the neighboring mountain.

Wang Chang and Wang Qi were arrested and thrown into jail. Their houses, fields, and property were also confiscated after the sudden arrival of the soldiers.

Wang Mingyue did not have time to hide anything before she was chased out of her house.

When the eldest sister-in-law and second sister-in-law heard that their husbands would be beheaded, they brought the children back to their parents' house without looking back.

Looking at her father lying on the ground with his mouth and eyes distorted, her mother holding her chest and crying for her son, Wang Mingyue, who had nowhere to go and was surrounded by people gossiping about her, fainted.