It's Better to Break Than Be Unclean

"Cleaning paper?"

Everyone had heard of many kinds of expensive paper, but they had never heard of "cleaning paper".

Yang Quanzi thought for a moment, stroked his beard, and said solemnly, "Fine dust should not be stained, one should remain pure and white. What a good name! Madam must want to use the broken paper to remind us that it's better to break than be unclean!"

Everyone came to a realization. So that was what Bai Wutong meant. They all echoed Yang Quanzi and praised, "Madam is a role model for us!"

Bai Wutong was speechless.

'They really think too much.'

She simply wanted to make some toilet paper.

Bai Wutong did not explain directly. Instead, she waited for all the paper in the evaporating bucket to evaporate and lose all its moisture. She opened the evaporating bucket and took out one of the rolls. Then, she got someone to bring over a table and chair and paper ink.