Ignore Them

Yang Quanzi said apologetically, "Sorry to have troubled Madam."

If they had not reported the white paper formula, this would not have happened.

Yang Gongbing also lowered his head dejectedly. It was clearly a good thing for the people, for everyone, and for Madam Bai. Because of some people's selfish interests, they were restrained by Princess Chu, making them really disappointed in the Imperial Court.

It was unknown if the Eldest Prince knew about this. If he did, how could he treat the people of the world well and inherit the empire?

For a moment, Yang Gongbing even thought of resigning and continuing to stay with Yang Quanzi to live in seclusion and gain knowledge.

Thinking that if he resigned, it might be a useless person like Si Huihua who would take over his position, he retracted his thoughts.

How could a man give up so easily?