I Can Definitely Heal You

Bai Wutong led the red-eyed Auntie Yang into the house. Seeing that there were so many people in the room, she knew that she had unintentionally interrupted their meal. She smiled awkwardly. "I'm just here to borrow a kitchen knife. You guys continue eating. Don't bother about me."

Bai Wutong could tell that she was embarrassed. She would be unwilling if she asked Auntie Yang to stay and eat, so she handed over the kitchen knife and sent her out.

Auntie Yang definitely didn't come to look for Bai Wutong at this time to borrow a kitchen knife. It was probably because of Zhao Pengfei. She was a little helpless and wanted someone to confide in or make a decision.

No matter how wrong he was, he was still her biological son. No mother would not feel sorry for him as he knelt outside in the snow.

However, Auntie Yang could not bring herself to accept his request.

As soon as Auntie Yang arrived, everyone changed the topic from rice balls to Zhao Pengfei.