A Pile of Stinky Dung Falling From the Sky

It was not enough for him to kneel alone. He even gave Old Master and Madam Lin a look.

Old Madam Lin gritted her teeth and knelt down. She wanted to see how long Bai Wutong could endure this.

Old Madam Lin knelt down. Old Master Lin thought of his son and looked at the silent villagers on the top of the mountain.

If they could not help Lintian Village earn money, their family would definitely be ostracized by the entire village. Old Master Lin's face turned pale as he knelt down heavily.

Since Old Master and Madam Lin were already kneeling, no matter how unwilling the others were, they had to kneel.

However, Youjia village remained silent.

Lin Chenghai clenched his fists and kowtowed a few more times.

"Madam Bai! Please, you don't have to accept our fruits. On the account that our villagers are hungry, please accept their fruits!"

He had to put Bai Wutong on the fire grill and stand on the highest point of morality to coerce her.