Someone must have done it on purpose

Like an agile monkey, Little Cat jumped up and down and picked the fruits from the tree faster than an adult.

With the help of the two people sent by Yu Suisheng, under the watch of all the Lintian villagers, the ripe fruits from Little Cat's home were all picked.

There were a total of 100 catties of pears, 120 catties of bayberries, and 100 catties of lychees.

At the rate of three copper coins per catty of pears, five copper coins per catty of bayberries, and six copper coins per catty of lychee, they were sold for a total of one tael of silver.

After obtaining this huge amount of money, Tao Yinzhen hid the money everywhere, afraid that thieves would visit their house that night.

After hiding the money bag in the hole under the kitchen firewood pile, Tao Yinzhen's excited heart calmed down a little.

She closed the door and whispered to the happy and tireless Little Cat, "Little Cat, come here. Mother has something to say to you."