I'm the Clown

When Qu Xin'er saw Cui Lingyi, her eyes lit up and she ordered the maidservant, "Take me there!"

She wanted Cui Lingyi to bring her out to play.

The potato field was even dirtier than the field. She didn't want to step on it.

Qu Xin'er's expensive outfit seemed out of place in the potato field. The little children playing with mud looked at her curiously.

Qu Xin'er hated being stared at by dirty children and shouted at them, "What are you looking at?! Get lost!"

Qu Lianghua had clearly instructed Qu Xin'er to be polite, but at this moment, she revealed her true colors in front of so many people.

Little Peach was frightened by Qu Xin'er and hid behind Zhao Erwa.

When Stinky saw that the cute Sister Peach had been shouted at, he ran over and pulled Little Peach behind him with his dirty little hand. He called out in a childish voice, "Baibai."