Too Ungrateful

Qu Lianghua's eyes were filled with anger towards Bai Wutong. Cui Lingyi's originally calm gaze instantly turned cold.

Compared to Bai Wutong, Qu Lianghua's status in Cui Lingyi's heart was not even comparable to anyone in Youjia Village.

Bai Wutong was kind enough to give Qu Xin'er a spiral potato, but Qu Xin'er was willful and rash enough to ask her to be a cook. She ran out and was injured herself. Then, Bai Wutong asked Xiaobai to help them enter the mountain to look for Gu Zhongxun. Qu Xin'er was lacking a herb, and Bai Wutong gave hers. But Qu Lianghua was not grateful at all. Instead, he blamed her.

He was brainless and heartless. Such a man was not even as useful as the cesspit in their village.

Qu Lianghua met Cui Lingyi's cold and distant gaze and instantly regretted it.