An Existence on a Different Level

Tao Yinzhen did not expect Bai Wutong to fall out with her on the spot.

Did she not care about her reputation at all?

Wouldn't she make people avoid her in future if she was so fierce?

Tao Yinzhen stood still in a daze. Qingfeng walked forward and pulled out the sword that was shining with a cold light.

The surrounding atmosphere instantly fell to subzero temperatures.

Everyone looked over. They did not know what Tao Yinzhen had done to anger Bai Wutong and make Qingfeng draw her sword.

Tao Yinzhen met the cold eyes of Bai Wutong and wanted to defend herself. However, the words were stuck in her throat, and she could not make a sound.

At this moment, she finally understood.

Bai Wutong had never been a woman to be trifled with.

Cui Lingyi ran over and looked at Tao Yinzhen warily.

Bai Wutong would definitely not target someone for no reason. If she did, it would definitely be that person's fault.