The Water is Ready

Chu Tianbao's test results were released on the third day. It was very surprising.

He had attained the first place in every subject.

Although this written test was not very difficult, only a few people had scored full marks for all six subjects.

Chu Tianbao was overjoyed and immediately ran back to exchange for Bai Wutong's promise.

But he couldn't skip school. He stayed in class for a full four hours before school ended.

Sheng Huaixuan scored full marks for five subjects. He was only one mark away from Chu Tianbao.

They could all enter Class A. Sheng Huaixuan wanted to discuss with Chu Tianbao how to celebrate that night, but in the blink of an eye, he disappeared.

Bai Wutong set off late that day. Before she could reach the entrance of Qinghe Academy, Chu Tianbao had descended from the sky and grabbed her waist.

Bai Wutong smiled and asked. "How did you come out so quickly?"