Didn't You Want to Bark?

You Qisheng was making a huge commotion at Qinghe Academy. Soon, he attracted the people from the academy.

Yang Quanzi frowned and looked at Mr. Liu. "Why is he making so much noise here?"

You Qisheng saw that the man had white beard and seemed to be the oldest. He was even surrounded by a group of people. He guessed that he was the great scholar Yang Quanzi that You Huaijie mentioned.

Before Mr. Liu could answer, You Qisheng interrupted, "My father is the magistrate of Luochuan Prefecture. My name is You Qisheng. I heard that you're the most knowledgeable here, so I respect you as my teacher. I won't stoop to the same level as him." After saying that, he deliberately glared at Mr. Liu.

You Qisheng was still very willing to bear the title of a Great Confucian disciple.

But it was ridiculous for such a rude person to be taken in as Yang Quanzi's personal disciple.