Are You So Concerned About Me?

After making up his mind, Qu Lianghua's gaze gradually became firm. "Mother, we'll leave Youjia Village tomorrow morning. We've been away for so long, and Father also can't part with you. There are still many matters at home that need you to manage. When we go back, let Sister-in-law come here to take care of Xian'er and Sheng'er."

Madam Qu's eyes widened. "What about you? Are you not going to attend lessons at the academy anymore? Is it because of me? Do you also feel embarrassed because of me?" Madam Qu started to cry again.

Qu Lianghua shook his head. "No, I just feel that I'm out of place here and not used to the teaching method at Qinghe Academy. I also want to go home and take good care of you and father."

What out of place? Qu Lianghua was clearly saying something against his will.