You're The One And Only

Little Peach and Zhao Lanzhi went to Cui Lingyi's house every day to learn to read and write. When the news spread, Ye Wu's wife, Du Yun, looked at her daughter, who was about the same age as Little Peach, and suddenly had the same plan.

Du Yun's father was a teacher for children. Du Yun knew how to read and write, which was enough to teach her daughter.

However, after seeing Cui Lingyi's demeanor, she naturally wanted to give her daughter a better education.

Du Yun found Ye Wu and discussed with him. "Madam Cui is teaching Little Peach and Zhao Lanzhi. Why don't we also beg Madam Cui to take in Tiantang?"

Ye Wu frowned. "If Tiantang wants to learn, you can let Zhong'er teach her. Zhong'er's studies at Qinghe Academy are quite good."

He didn't really want to disturb Cui Lingyi. After all, their family was not very close to the Cui family.