He Has to Stop If She Tells Him To!

In the quiet nupital room, there were noisy voices outside.

The guests' high-pitched celebratory voices could be heard faintly. At this moment, Chu Tianbao, who had sharp five senses, could not hear anything.

His exquisite Adam's apple bobbed as he slowly approached Bai Wutong's lips.

It was gentle like a spring breeze or a drizzle, but it was like the sea rolling inside Bai Wutong. A steady stream of electricity attacked her entire body and she fell softly into Chu Tianbao's arms.

Chu Tianbao held her waist, interlocked their fingers, and bent down again.

This time, it was a sudden storm.

Panting, Bai Wutong pushed and was pressed down.

There was discomfort in her back and she frowned slightly. Chu Tianbao sensed it and reached behind her to grab a handful of round peanuts.