What Does He Mean!

After crossing the mountains of Immortal County, everyone's horizons widened.

They saw a vast and endless grassland covered in scattered snow.

The feeling of vastness was refreshing.

Xiaobai ran excitedly while Chu Tianbao took Stinky for a spin.

Stinky's cheerful laughter spread across the land like a silver bell. Everyone's exhaustion from the travel was relieved by his cute smile.

Sheng Huaixuan said to Bai Wutong, "After passing through this grassland and a desert, we'll be able to enter the Southern Frontier."

Bai Wutong was surprised. "There's another desert? How long will it take?"

Sheng Huaixuan said, "About two weeks, but there are many people in the team. It might take three weeks."

Bai Wutong frowned. "There are so many people. Is there a water source in the desert?"

Sheng Huaixuan had never been to the Southern Frontier personally. "The caravan said that there are wells along the way."