Take in as much as you have

Jiamu had received the money from Bai Wutong the day before and brought Yangqiu and Hei Yan to the caravan store early that morning.

Firstly, she wanted to buy some northeastern floral cloth. Secondly, she wanted to buy some gifts for Yangqiu and Hei Yan.

As soon as they arrived, they saw that the store was surrounded by people.

It took a lot of effort for Jia Mu to squeeze to the front.

She didn't see the Northeastern Flower pattern. Instead, she was distracted by a few shop assistants in denim.

Jiamu felt that they looked really good in them. When she asked for the price, it was actually cheaper than ordinary ready-made clothes.

Her eyes lit up and she immediately shouted with the others, wanting to customize denim clothes for Yang Qiu and Hei Yan.

When it was finally her turn, she touched the denim uniform on the shop assistant, but her eyes froze.

Why did she feel that these materials were so familiar?