Beg the Heavens Yourself

Meng Weiwei was stunned for a few seconds before she shouted at Wu Hao's back in fear, "Brother Hao!!!"

Without Wu Hao, she really didn't know what to do with her injured parents.

At that moment, she once again realized how important Wu Hao was to her.

Wu Hao seemed to have really let go and did not look back. Meng Weiwei fell into despair and buried her head in her tears.

The team was huge, and the medicine for burns was quickly used up.

There were still many people who had not been treated.

However, most of them were only slightly injured. Even if the pain was unbearable, they could still continue on their way.

Only a few people were seriously injured, so You Huaijie had specially arranged for a few carriages to carry the seriously injured.

In order to prevent any rebels from appearing on the road, they even specially sent people to investigate the road ahead.