Why Didn't She Die?

Chu Tianbao held Bai Wutong's hand tightly and looked at her gently. "Wait for me to come back."

Knowing that he was going to look for the Hundred Spirits, Bai Wutong endured the intense pain in her body and forced a smile. "Yes, I'll wait for you."

Witnessing this scene, everyone's eyes turned red.

Feng Yue was fed hemostatic medicine and stayed in the camp. Chu Tianbao led Feng Xun and quickly set off to look for the Hundred Spirits.

The horses galloped across the grassland. About four hours later, Feng Xun, who had already turned pale from the torture of the Spectral Flower's poison, pointed at the hill in front and said, "There are Hundred Spirits there."

Apart from their Heavenly Wolf Army camp, this was the nearest place to find the Hundred Spirits.

Chu Tianbao's dark eyes finally lit up. He led the dark guards to the hill and quickly searched for the Hundred Spirits Plant described by Wen Renhua.

However, everyone found nothing.