Being Too Careful

Tapiocas were poisonous, but at the same time, they were also one of the three major potato crops in the modern world. They were the third-largest produced food crop in the tropical region and the sixth-largest produced food crop in the world. They were known as the "king of starch".

The tapioca had excellent characteristics such as easy to grow, cultivate, advanced yield, and high harvestability during all seasons. It could be extracted into starch and was widely used in the market.

For example, before the apocalypse, the pearls in the world-famous pearl milk tea were made of tapioca powder.

For example, the snacks that girls liked, taro balls, hemp potatoes, glutinous rice balls, and so on, all required tapioca flour.

Apart from making daily delicacies, tapioca was also widely used as feed, starch, glucose fuel, and ethanol.