She's At Most a Concubine!

Everyone was in the field, working hard to dig for the tapiocas.

Xiaobai was also digging at the side. It dug out a piece of tapioca and immediately brought it to Bai Wutong for praise.

Bai Wutong stroked its smooth head. Xiaobai, who was satisfied, raised its butt and kept digging for the tapioca that everyone had missed.

Not long after, a small mountain of tapioca appeared in front of Bai Wutong.

Stinky also wanted to dig, but he had a habit of stuffing everything into his mouth.

If he accidentally took a bite of the tapioca, it would be a huge problem.

Bai Wutong asked Chu Tianbao to bring him to ride the wooden horse. Stinky liked to ride the wooden horse the most, so he immediately forgot about digging for tapiocas.

Cui Lingyi sat beside her with a concerned expression. "Are you feeling unwell?"