It Looks Like Cocoa Fruit

The people sent out to explore the area did not disappoint them. They finally found Bai Wutong's ideal residence.

It was a place with endless coastline and surrounded by forests, mountains, and plains, wetlands, and mangrove forests. If a city was built there, it would be easy to defend and difficult to attack. Not only would it be much better than the current location of Baye City, but they could also find a lot of food to replenish their supplies.

When Bai Wutong received the news, she immediately sent word for everyone to quickly pack up and set off.

It was good for the army to be separated from the commoners. The surroundings of Baye City were empty, and it was very suitable for training troops.

When they had enough supplies to provide to Baye City, it would also be orderly.