Don't Wear It Anymore

Duo was curious about everything. When she saw someone washing their hands with a sprayer, she tugged at Huang Zhong and asked, "What is this?"

Huang Zhong wanted to retract his arm, but Duo grabbed it tightly and glared at him.

The surrounding people looked at their intimate actions. Huang Zhong was helpless and could only explain to her, "That's a spray machine invented by Madam Bai. It can be used to water and wash carriages. If you see insects on the crops, you can also add the insecticide specially made by Doctor Wen. It's especially useful."

Duo found it interesting and requested directly, "I want to play with it."

Huang Zhong's coat was casually draped over his body. He did not know where to look and requested, "Put on your clothes properly. I-I'll go borrow it for you to use."

Duo waved Huang Zhong's green robe. "I think I'm already dressed properly."