We Have to Fight

Bai Wutong said to Cui Shize, "Don't worry. We'll cross the bridge when we get there."

Cui Shize left worriedly, and Stinky rushed in happily. "Mother, the boat is coming back. Let's go see the boat!"

"I even built a particularly beautiful house on the beach. I cut it myself with rocks!"

Stinky took Bai Wutong's hand. Bai Wutong cleared the clutter in her mind and lightened her heart before going to the beach with Stinky.

Stinky couldn't wait to show Bai Wutong the small house he had built.

Bai Wutong looked over and saw that Stinky had actually built a small house with beautiful stones.

Bai Wutong praised, "You're really amazing. You can even make cement! I think we can build a watchtower here. If you stand on the watchtower, you'll be able to see the returning fishing boats in advance."

Stinky looked up. "I'll burn bricks and build a watchtower tomorrow."