Start Building!

Every time she wanted to share new knowledge with everyone, Bai Wutong was extremely grateful to Yang Quanzi for giving her the "Book of Hundred Industries".

The craftsmanship of forging the road had been mentioned in the "Book of Hundred Industries", but it was very basic.

However, the structure of the foundation mentioned in the book was similar to Bai Wutong's principle of concrete roads made of reinforced concrete.

The asphalt only needed to be asphalted before the cement was completely solidified.

Bai Wutong found a group of skilled craftsmen to write and draw on the blackboard. After the craftsmen understood, they found a road to test it out.

With coal as an energy source, the temperature increased rapidly, making it much easier to refine steel bars.

A large number of steel bars were transported over. The commoners who did not have any work surrounded them, curious about what Bai Wutong wanted to do.