
This durian weighed nearly 10 catties. If it was full of flesh, it would yield at least 500 grams of flesh.

Bai Wutong's eyes lit up. Everyone also craned their heads, wanting to see what such smelly fruit flesh looked like.

Bai Wutong pressed down on one side of the durian and twisted her right hand along the gap.

The durian was split into two, and the golden, plump, and tempting flesh was also exposed to everyone.

Although it smelled even worse, it looked quite delicious.

The durians were just ripe. They were not too soft or hard. If they were placed in the fridge and refrigerated slightly, the texture would be even better.

Bai Wutong got someone to bring over a plate and peeled off the durian flesh in the room. With the exquisite plate as decoration, if one ignored its smell, everyone was still willing to try it.