A Thousand-mile Dam Destroyed by An Ant

It was clearly more beneficial to the Imperial Court for her to hand over the patent, but Bai Wutong was filled with consideration for her.

Zhao Lanzhi was extremely touched and couldn't help but sob. "Thank you, Great Empress… I… I'll definitely work hard to pay the tax!"

Bai Wutong was amused by her. Cui Lingyi wiped her tears. "You're right. Our goal should be to work hard to pay the taxes! If you open a workshop, I'll be the first to invest! If no one takes care of it, I'll send someone to take care of it!"

Cui Lingyi did not know much about business, but Sheng Huaixuan was an expert in this area. He was busy, but any shopkeeper under him could take charge alone.

Bai Wutong smiled and said, "If you invest, I'll also invest. How can the Great Empress not have private assets?"

Zhao Lanzhi was stunned. For a moment, the pressure on her increased greatly. She was afraid that she would implicate Bai Wutong and her teacher.