I Have to Work Hard Too

When Zhao Huai wanted to cultivate pearls, it immediately attracted everyone's discussion. "You've never cultivated them before. What if you can't cultivate them well?"

"That's right. If they die, you will still have to mortgage the house!"

Zhao Huai had dozens of taels of silver on hand. Even if the Imperial Court did not lend him money, he could completely take the risk. Moreover, he could also raise fish while raising pearl clams.

He could not guarantee that he could raise the sea clams well, but it was easy to raise fish!

Following Bai Wutong had broadened his horizons. There was nothing bad about what Bai Wutong suggested.

Besides, just the word "pearl" made him feel that he could definitely earn money.

Zhao Huai smiled and said, "Since the Great Empress said that we can cultivate, it will definitely succeed. If you don't want to live such a good life, I still want to live it!"