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There were many wolves in the southern frontier, but Xiaobai was unique to Bai Wutong.

She had just finished handling some paperwork and rubbed her tired eyebrows. The familiar wolf howl was long and loud. Bai Wutong suddenly stood up and walked out of the tent.

With everyone stationed here, the wolves did not dare to approach easily. When they heard the wolves' cries, the ignorant commoners and soldiers pricked up their ears warily to observe their surroundings and guard against any sneak attacks.

When Bai Wutong came out of the tent, everyone immediately bowed. However, they heard Bai Wutong shout in the direction of the wolf howl, "Xiaobai!"

Those who did not know better could not help but look up in confusion. Who was the Great Empress calling?


Xiaobai's response was even closer.

Bai Wutong looked happy. She had not heard wrongly!

She followed the sound and skirted around the crowd to a quiet wilderness.