I Think I Had a miscarriage

The four acres of land that Bai Wutong had asked He Guihua and Yan Tingting to take care of were experimentally planted with shitake mushrooms, milky mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, and abalone mushrooms. These four mushrooms grew especially quickly and suited everyone's taste the most. The requirements for their growth conditions were not as high as other mushrooms.

After everyone signed up to plant mushrooms, Bai Wutong race against time and taught them the way to cultivate these four mushrooms.

When everyone's respective mushroom sheds were built, they could plant mushrooms in the mushroom sheds under the guidance of He Guihua and Yan Tingting.

By following Bai Wutong's method, they successfully cultivated snow-white mycelium on the third day. The mycelium spread throughout the entire glass bottle like a beautiful piece of art, giving everyone endless hope.