Not Knowing Better

Carefree City had a subtropical climate. It was summer and it rained frequently. From time to time, hurricanes would appear on the sea.

Without equipment to accurately predict the weather, Bai Wutong was worried that there would be a typhoon. Where there was typhoon, fishing boats of all sizes were not allowed to go out to sea to fish.

Unexpectedly, before the typhoon arrived, the rain suddenly turned into a heavy rain.

The torrential rain fell again and again like hard fists, smashing everyone's tent into a mess. The bottom of the tent overflowed like a river, and the top of the tent was filled with leaky holes. The commoners' belongings were also soaked in the rain.

If the rain stopped, it was not impossible for everyone to endure it for a day or two and clean up their things. However, the rain was very heavy, and it did not seem to want to stop even after the people shouted their hearts out.