If Only My Brothers Had Medicine Too!

He Chun was the youngest son in the family. His family was really poor, and his three brothers had asthma like him. Coincidentally, Yu Suisheng came to their hometown to recruit people. Before he started work, he could get an advance payment of one tael of silver. In order to obtain these one tael of silver to improve the family's income, even if the future was a dangerous fire pit, he would jump into it without hesitation.

He Chun found the village chief to change his age by two years. He received two taels of silver and handed it to his family before secretly coming to the southern frontier.

Fortunately, he had food and drinks along the way. He was young and had received a lot of care, so he did not have an asthma attack.

Afraid that others would find out that he was sick, he did not want to join the recruitment event. He Chun hid his illness and successfully entered the woodworking factory to become an apprentice.