We Can't Escape Now, Can We?

Xu Ke glanced around and suddenly lowered his voice. "You really think she has stabilized her position? How can Emperor Ling Hui tolerate a woman becoming the emperor and give away his hard-earned land? Just you wait. Before long, the southern frontier will be occupied by the Ling Kingdom's army, and all of you who follow her will be executed one by one!"

As soon as he said this, Yan Da immediately shivered. His eyes widened in disbelief. "It shouldn't be so easy to take her down!"

After all, it had taken Gu Chilie many years to take down the southern frontier.

Xu Ke said, "Emperor Ling Hui's methods are impressive. He was originally a general and used troops like a god. If he personally led the troops, their morale would be greatly boosted. It's just the southern frontier, so how can they not take down tens of thousands of soldiers?"