
They had already heard from Liu Tiezhu how to use a grenade.

Remove the lid and pull down the ring to detonate.

If it touched an open fire source or high temperature, it would also explode.

It was a dangerous item after all, and it could only be used when Yan Da came out of prison.

Madam Qu thought for a moment and decided to bury the grenade under the banyan tree in the backyard of the villa.

They dug a deep hole that night and buried the grenade in it.

They thought that there would be no more trouble. Liu Tiezhu, who had obtained 30 taels of silver from the Yan family, had lost again after gambling with someone in private. This time, he owed even more, 50 taels of silver!

If he could not pay back the silver within a month, he would have to go to the army and ask the army to give his advance pay for more than two years to repay his debt.