I Won't Ask You About It Anymore

Anything was fine so long as it did not need to shave its fur.

Xiaobai lay down like a master again. It looked at Gu Zhongxun with shifty eyes.

The medicine that Gu Zhongxun prescribed for Xiaobai was a common heatstroke medicine. It was produced in the workshop. Xiaobai ate two according to the child's dosage and drank some salt water. Bai Wutong brought it back and settled it in the coolest place in the villa area. It had to rest well that day and take another medicine at night.

When they heard that Xiaobai was sick, Cui Muzhi and Lan Jingbai came to visit and even brought Xiaobai delicious beef.

Xiaobai smelled the beef and instantly changed from its lazy appearance. It ran excitedly to Cui Muzhi and Lan Jingbai and sat in front of them, waiting to be fed.

Its wife and children also followed. Faced with a group of furry animals, Cui Muzhi rubbed left and right lovingly. Soon, the beef jerky in his hand was gone.