This Should Be Very Suitable for Eating Fish

Madam Zhang was just asking casually. It was not that they could not afford ice, but she felt that the Great Empress favored the Cui family too much and was a little unhappy.

After being rebuked by Patriarch Zhang, Madam Zhang looked at the sour plum soup in the cup and shouted irritably, "So annoying!"

Her daughter suddenly walked in and said to Madam Zhang, "Mother, it's so hot. I want to eat crispy mountains."

Madam Zhang was in a frustrated mood. "Eat what? We just drank iced sour plum soup. Aren't you afraid of having a stomachache!"

Zhang Tiantian licked the corners of her mouth. "It's not as delicious as the crispy mountain. Mother, let's go eat the crispy mountain!"

Madam Zhang frowned. "Annoying!" Then she asked the steward, "How much ice is left? Make a bowl of crispy mountain for Miss."

The steward said, "Madam, there are still two small buckets."

"Why is there only so little left?"