Electric Light, So Beautiful

Little Cat introduced confidently, "You can put ice or not. As long as you bend it at the beginning and make it spin, the spray fan can keep spinning."

Bai Wutong smiled and said, "The design is very ingenious. It must be very comfortable in the summer."

He was very talented. If he could use electricity, in time, Little Cat would definitely be able to design a real electric fan or air conditioner.

There were detailed teaching guidelines in the books of the Electromagnetic Induction Formula that could allow everyone to fully understand how magnets produced electric current.

Little Cat had yet to come into contact with this knowledge and did not study electric current. Bai Wutong led him to the research lab to see the small electric motor.

This was the first time Little Cat had entered the research room. Here, every big shot in the research field had their own separate area. There were the most researchers in the electromagnetic induction area.