What If They Can't Afford?

Hai Dongli wrote on the paper, "This is a container that I unintentionally condensed when extracting the spinning thread. I think this material is very malleable and can be used for many applications. I can further study it."

In modern times, plastic became an indispensable part of human daily life.

Water bottles, plastic bags, television sets, cell phones, printers, trash cans, transmission boxes, synthetic latex, and so on all required plastic.

Plastic has many advantages. It is light and can be modified to fit different requirements.

It has excellent chemical stability and is extremely resistant to corrosion, and is often used in pipes.

It is excellent in electrical insulation and allows extensive protection of cables.

It also had the effect of noise and shock absorption. If plastic was combined with glass and used in residences, wards, and hotels, they could stay warm in winter and cool in summer.