There's No Overnight feud between Father and Son

Gou Houxing led Noble Consort Ling in the direction of the southern frontier. Chu Tianbao's whereabouts were unknown, and the weak Noble Consort Ling was sick again.

If anything happened to Noble Consort Ling, Gou Houxing would not forgive himself even if he died.

Just as he was about to bring the remaining dark guards to find a place to stay and let the dark guards who knew medicine nurse Noble Consort Ling back to health, a group of people caught up to him again.

They were all ruthless suicide soldiers who wanted to achieve their goals even if it meant their lives. Moreover, there were many of them. Gou Houxing's heart turned cold when he met their cold gazes.

Noble Consort Ling couldn't bear to implicate them and said to Gou Houxing, "As long as I die, they won't chase after me anymore. Run away."

If not for the fact that she was looking forward to seeing Chu Tianbao again one day, Noble Consort Ling would have died long ago.