You Can Return It When You Grow Up

Stinky and Chu Tianbao tiptoed into the nursery. It was rare for Tuantuan and Yuanyuan to be awake after drinking milk. The two soft balls were wrapped in swaddling clothes, and their dark round eyes looked around curiously.

Bai Wutong waved at Stinky. "Brother Stinky, come and see Sister Tuantuan and Brother Yuanyuan."

Stinky carefully walked up to Bai Wutong and Chu Tianbao picked him up.

Stinky widened his eyes and couldn't help but lower his voice in surprise. "Little brother and sister are so small and cute."

Bai Wutong smiled and said, "Look, Tuantuan is smiling at you."

Stinky took a closer look. The soft Tuantuan opened her small pink mouth, and Yuanyuan's eyes narrowed into crescents. It made one's heart melt.

Stinky smiled like the sun and introduced himself seriously. "Tuantuan, I'm Older Brother."

Surprisingly, Tuantuan actually howled, as if she was responding to Stinky.